TESF Information

The turfgrass industry is an important industry in New York State. According to the New York State Turfgrass Survey, close to 3.5 million acres in the state are covered with turfgrass, consisting of lawns, parks, golf courses, sports fields, sod farms, industrial and institutional grounds, rights of way, etc. Five billion dollars of turf maintenance expenses contributed to the State’s economy. Additionally the New York Turfgrass Survey documents that New York employed over 43,000 employees who had turf maintenance as their primary responsibility with a total payroll of nearly $467 million. Over 843,000 acres of new turf was established at a cost of nearly $1.56 billion. Residents of New York benefit from turf in everyday life. Quality turfgrass provides countless environmental benefits such as holding rainfall for groundwater recharge, filtering pollutants, absorbing sound, cooling the air temperature and providing plentiful, clean oxygen. Dense, healthy turfgrass provides a safe…

TESF Information

Foundation Overview

The foundation is an invested fund whose interest income, not principle, will be available to support the needs of turfgrass research and education. Cornell University manages the funds in a diversified mutual fund intended to yield income and maintain long-term growth.

Foundation Overview


I have for a long time believed that research and education are the cornerstones of the green industry. Working as the superintendent at Oak Hill Country Club, I was honored to be able to host the US Open and the Ryder Cup on my greens. Having such exposure on television and in newspapers, I had to make sure that the grounds were in excellent condition. I couldn't have done it alone. I relied on the talents of my staff, and students from the state run SUNY system. I feel the research supported by NYSTA and Cornell University gives students a larger knowledge base and experience to draw from when going out into the workplace, making them in demand.

NYSTA Grants